reTHINK with Dementia Live

3rd Tuesday of the Month.

Register today and join as a participant or an observer and gain an invaluable perspective on to connect better with your loved one with dementia


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Move For Their Thoughts

Begins Sept 18th, 2023

Walk/Run/Bike/Swim - Mile a Day
MoveFTT Challenge let's dementia families know they are not alone.

Take the Challenge

Caregiver Support

All proceeds bring relief and resources to families caring for a loved one with dementia


Share Your Story

Who do you know with dementia and how are they special to you?

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Quarterly newsletter
Caregiver testimonials, upcoming events & caregiver/brain health tips.

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Be a Ripple

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others…he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls…”                                                                                                        - Robert F Kennedy                                   

The First Ripple..."Running For Their Thoughts" For Their Thoughts Foundation began as just a small town fundraiser in 2013. Two siblings ran the Pittsburgh Marathon in honor of their mother diagnosed with early onset dementia: 

The Ripple Grew..."Penny For Their Thoughts Memorial Benefit" Then that grew into a dinner benefit in 2014, with over 100 attendees, raising $10,000 for the Bluefield Project to Cure FTD - helping the research secure an annual $1,000,000 grant from NIH.  

And Grew..."To the Top, For Their Thoughts"  Six month commitment to weekly runs to the top of an active volcano (Vesuvius)... open for anyone to join. And they did. 50+ people made it "to the top" remotely and locally.

All the while promoting awareness.

This momentum has brought us to 2020 where the fundraiser has a committed team and a nonprofit has been born.

Dementia will not be cured by one person overnight.  But with each "ripple" we are one step closer.    

Be a ripple.  Join the FTTF "family" and our goal to

  • Define and normalize dementia
  • Promote brain healthy lifestyles and
  • Support the families impacted by dementia TODAY.
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