Care For the Caregivers

Stories of Love

Meet Irene

CFTC Recipient

Family is everything.

You never plan to care for your husband while also caring for a teenage daughter. But when family is everything, you just do. Andrew was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/Posterior Cortical Atrophy in his 50s. Posterior Cortical Atrophy, often referred to as PCA, is a progressive degeneration of the outer layer of the brain. About 80% of the time,  it is caused by Alzheimer’s. It causes visual and spatial problems including eyesight and visual procession. Andrew’s vision has already begun to deteriorate.

For now, Andrew can walk his daughter to school. Irene is not sure how much longer he will be able to do this, but it is something that brings him purpose for now and is a special time he and his daughter can still share. His memory and activities are limited but with adaptive, large print, still reads and enjoys reading. Irene’s ultimate goal is to keep Andrew in the home and care for him herself. 

Irene is overwhelmed between working full time and taking care of her daughter and husband. Even support groups are impossible to join in person. The Care for the Caregivers Relief Grant includes both financial relief and a customized resource packet. It was important for Irene’s packet to include additional financial support, respite options as the disease progresses and remote support both for her and for her daughter.

Irene - WEBSITE Image

Andrew and Irene are both from Greece. Andrew is very connected with his family, who all still live there. She wants him to give her husband the opportunity to see his sisters and family while he is still able to travel and remember. He can’t travel alone and so she is saving up so she and her daughter can accompany him. Irene has chosen to use the financial portion of the CFTC Relief Grant to help with travel costs and provide this incredible memory for Andrew, their daughter and herself.

Thank you Irene for your dedication to your husband and your daughter. Everyone here at For Their Thoughts is humbled by your dedication and appreciate you sharing your story with us. 

Learn more about Care for the Caregivers

Pointing the Way and Offering a Helping Hand

"I was able to address my own health that I had been neglecting"

— Don, CFTC Recipient
His wife, 60s, Alzhiemer's

"I can go to church and monthly support group and know my mom is taken care of."

— Linda, CFTC recipient 
Her mom, 80s, Alzhiemer's

"I can take my husband to see his family one final time while he still can remember them"

— Irene, CFTC Recipient
Her husband, 50s, Alzhiemer's/PCA
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